King Cobra 

Well it’s now Sunday 13th, in the evening. Today has pretty much been wasted nursing a terrible hangover… Self inflicted so no sympathy please 😉
The night life here is amazing, but so different to back home, people go out earlier and go home at an earlier time, unlike in Kettering, we would go out about 11pm and stumble home around 4am! Met some lovely people last night and so many people loved my British accent and would compare words and phrases! 😂 drink prices are so expensive here, but then again the cost of living is Higher and people get paid a lot more than at home. So I guess prices are normal for them…. But not for me, beings as it was my first night out, I didn’t hold back…. $100 down at the end of it though, but I had a McDonald’s at the end of the evening, so I was quite content! 

Visited the reptile park yesterday morning. Luckily one of charlottes friends had a 2 for 1 entry voucher…. Win. So only cost me $15 (about £7.50) to get in! ☺️ now I love zoos back home, so this was something else! It was incredible seeing animals that originate here, such as kangeroos, wallabys etc as I’ve never seen these animals before, so awesome seeing them! Managed to grab a selfie with a kangaroo and a koala bear… So adorable 😍


Not too pleasant in the spider house though, it was pretty facinating seeing all the different species… But made a quick exit after seeing how large some of them were and how venomous…. Ouch. 


Having a great time so far, but missing home and friends and family, I know it’s only been just over a week and I still have months to come… But I hardly ever go away, so this was such a big change for me! It’s nice to Skype now and again, had a laugh with mum the other day, even though her face looked so pixelated, also spent a good while chatting to her forehead…. Parents and technology aye! 

The weathers been lush, apart from the odd showers here and there when I first arrived…. Plus I have noticed that I see more cockroaches when it rains… So not looking forward to the end of next week… Rain forecast 😫 

I’m prepared and not scared now…. I’m ready for the next invasion 😂

Here’s some more photos 👍🏻
Laters x 






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