Spring time 

Wow it’s getting hot now, a trip to the beach earlier, 35 degrees… Woah. Thank god for p20 factor 50 

Feel like I haven’t posted in a while! 

The past week has been great, probably down to the great weather we’ve been getting…! 

Nice walks to Nobbys beach, the break wall… 

Which resulted in some bad sun burn

I mean, how stupid does that look, kinda thankful for the fringe!! 

It was my birthday Friday, but to be honest didn’t feel like my birthday one bit, probably because I’m away from home and miss seeing my family. Was so lovely to get cards through the post though, nice little piece of home 😍

Luke’s auntie Jacqui took me out for breakfast, nice early start of 8.30am after getting the bus to Charlestown to meet her, had such a lovely morning though, lots of coffee and eggs Benedict. Delish!

Me, Cha, Ange and Sky went out for dinner in the evening to a Mexican restaurant called ‘cantina’ the food was delish!!😍

Saturday me and Charlotte went to blackbutt reserve, nice few hours out in the sunshine. 

Then Saturday evening was spent drinking and playing games. I was terrible lol! 

This post seems a little bland compared to my others, probably because I’m absolutely shattered after such a hectic weekend! It’s 9.50pm, I feel like I’m ready for bed! 

Here are a few more pictures and I promise my next post will be a lot better 😉  

Laters X 


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