
Wow what an incredible week I have had. I arrived in Sydney on Tuesday October 6th and now it’s my final day here.. As I have a lovely 13 hour journey to endure later on this evening 
I left Newcastle around 9.30am on Tuesday 6th and had to take a 2.5 hour train ride, tbh it went quite quick actually, I remember being excited to be starting to travel by myself! 

As soon as I arrived I took the lazy route and got a taxi to my hostel ‘The Jackaroo Hostel, Kings Cross’, as walking would have taken me 40 minutes zzzzzz. I had to wait about half an hour then I checked in! 
First thing I did was get my map out and locate the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, this was about a half an hour walk… But felt like much longer as it was so hot that day! 


After I headed back to hostel, a couple of people from the hostel headed out drinking that night and asked me to join, I was absolutely shattered, but went out as I know it would be a good chance to meet people. We drank at the hostel until about 12.30am then headed to a bar up the road… I think it was called ‘The Worlds End’, had such an awesome night, also to make good friends with one of my roommates, Andy, she lives in Paris. 

The following day, I walked down to the harbour … Again and took a couple more photos.. 


On Wednesday I visited Darling harbour, this is the place where we went for Charlottes birthday a couple of weeks back, it looks so different during the day compared to night time! Still as beautiful! I treated myself to going in the sea life aquarium because I’m such a big kid 😜








Later on in the evening, people were planning on going out again, yet again they had twisted my arm, I only limit myself to 1-2 nights out at each stop as it always costs so much money! 

So later on that evening, I headed out with Andy, Melissa, ophilie and a few others from the hostel, we caught the train to central and went to a club called ‘Ivy’… Tell you what… Never again, I didn’t really want to see how it would feel to be compared to a sardine, too many people in there and would cost about $23 for a beer and a glass of rose, in the end I stopped drinking then we headed home! 
Felt a little worse for wear in the morning, but got up early, showered, had brekkie and changed, started to perk up about 10am… Which I am thankful for!! I had booked a ‘skywalk’ this was at the top of the Sydney Tower Eye, which is the tallest tower in Sydney, It was meant to cost me $70, but managed to get it for $45! Bargin! 
I didn’t realise I would be breathalysed before being to head to the top of the tower… Thank god I passed!! 
They made us wear these blue suits>>
And a harness, but then again, I was thankful for it, I was even scared looking over the side and walking across the glass floor!! 
The sites from the top were incredible! I managed to take some photos when I got back inside as loose items weren’t allowed at the very top. So grateful for the sunshine that day! 😀 

This photo was meant to cost me $50, but I took a quick snap on my phone when he wasn’t looking 😂




   On the way home I passed a Good Food Festival, unfortunately they didn’t serve food until 4pm, but I managed to take a few pictures… And selfies (yes I bought a selfie stick) 😍
As the air con wasn’t working in the hostel (which I was extremely pissed off about) I was so thankful that Charlotte bought me a fan pen for my birthday, but the battery didn’t last long… I’m not even joking, my room felt like a sauna, the sweat was pouring off me… Maybe I’ve lost a few pounds hahaha! 

Later that day I popped to the greyhound office a few doors down (the coach travel company I am using) and the guy in there sat with me for nearly an hour going through each stop, in the end I booked about 7 trips, somethings I never thought I would never do! 

I mean a SKYDIVE! I would never see myself doing that.. Well too late now it’s all booked hahaa! I have so many things to look forward too, camping trips, survival camp, basically the way he explained it was…. You are flown out to a small island on a plane, there is a camp set up, they teach you how to fish, and go crabbing, kayak, make fire.. Pretty much like castaway.. I wonder if Wilson will be there? Hahaha. Booked a few more too, but will write about them later after I have done them 😊

On Saturday I started to feel ill, probably down to the fact my roommate was sick, and the lack of air con in this place… Germs everywhere!! Didn’t leave the hostel all day but managed to drug myself up on pain killers and head to the harbour for the Latin festival and fireworks, felt absolutely fine for about 3 hours, then the drugs wore off, so had to endure a painful 30 minute walk back to the hostel.. Then straight to bed..! 😞
The next day wasn’t too great neither, I woke up, could hardly breathe this air con thing was really starting to grate on me… Some people had fans in their rooms… Surely everyone’s equal.. Their not fucking royalty. I couldn’t drink of swallow anything, and wasn’t sure what to do, after a painful talk with my mum, I went to the doctors along the road, to which I found out I had tonsillitis … AGAIN! Swear I only had it about 4 months ago! 😔 so $100 doctors bill and $25 worth of medication later, I finally started to feel better in myself, probably because I knew I would start to get better soon as its really ruining my trip!! 😬😒

Overnight wasn’t great, hardly any sleep… Kinda looking forward to leaving this hostel now, this whole no air con thing has really pissed me off, think I managed to get about 2 hours sleep last night… Luckily I have a 13 hour coach Trip to Byron Bay tonight.. So hopefully I’ll be able to sleep on there.. And they will have AIR CONNNNNN! 

Wow I sound so moany… Probably because I’m so ill!! 

So as of 8.15am tomorrow I will be in Byron Bay in a Hostel right on the beach front… I can’t wait! 😀
Laters X 

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