Noosa – Gagaju Bush Camp

Will upload pics separate … 

Woke up about 8am, felt extremely groggy this morning, that horrible feeling when you know your coming down with something… I thought great timing, tomorrow is my first trip.. And I’m possibly going to be ill for it 😡
I walked down the corridor towards the showers and spotted Morgan again sitting on the floor, I’m guessing he was probably meditating or doing something strange, when I asked him, he wouldn’t answer my question and looked really awkward about it, so I asked him again and he changed the subject. Strange. After getting ready I left the hostel, didn’t really say goodbye to Morgan. Just wanted to get away from him lol. The bus was eventful, I had a bad head, and an old German man sat down next to me and wanted to talk to me for the entire journey, ok it’s nice to talk, but not when I have my eyes shut and I’m blatantly trying to sleep! Even the wifi on this bus was crappy, it kept disconnecting, I couldn’t even listen to Spotify… 😞 I just hope today gets a lot better as its started out pretty shite. 
On the first night in Noosa, I stayed at Nomads hostel, I was in an 8 bed all female dorm with our own toilet and 2 showers and plenty of electric sockets! The hostel was nice, bit of a party hostel, It had its own bar, the only downside was the kitchen area, it was terrible, people not cleaning up after themselves, leaving food out, even some

Of the ‘clean plates and cutlery’ were dirty. I got talking to a girl from Germany called Lisa, in the end we cooked our dinner together as it was cheaper, just had a carbanara, kinda happy that I actually cooked something haha. 
That evening I headed to the travel place over the road with some of my roommates, where they had free wine and had a bit of a party, we only went because of the ‘free’ wine part lol. About 8.30 we headed back to the hostel for some more drinks, later in the evening they had a limbo competition also a race, where people had to strip to their undies and race a child’s tricycle around the bar, and the team with the fastest time wins, that was funny to watch. I joined in one of the easy games. Just a simple game of heads or tails and a guy flips a coin and you face forward with you me hands on your head to guess heads, or turn around and put your hands on your bum to guess tails. Every time you got an answer wrong you had to take off an item of clothing, I didn’t do too badly, I came 2nd, only took off my jacket, shoes and my bra underneath my vest top, if I had won I would have won a voucher from the travel company, think it was vehicle hire for a week, that would have been awesome. Oh well….. I quit in the end, didn’t want to take any more clothes off… Haha. 
Me and the girls stayed in the bar until about midnight when it came to an end, then I headed to bed ready to get the bus in the morning to head to the bus stop to catch my bus to Gagaju Bush Camp 😀
At 10am I got the shuttle bus to the bus station, there I met the rest of my group that I would be spending the weekend with, there was 4 boys and 4 girls, Emily, Nicky and Josh from the UK, Nick, Marcus and Alina from Germany and Robert from Holand. We arrived at camp, the camp was pretty cool, it had a kitchen area, games room, tv room, firepit, volleyball court etc. For the first night we slept in the ‘dorm’… But it looked more like a shack. So no wifi for 3 nights… This would be interesting… But I think it made me get more involved in things, me and my group went for a walk in ‘the bush’, ended up getting lost for a while then found the main road that led us back to camp! In the afternoon, we played cards and I read my book, it was lovely and chilled out. Also at the camp was 2 other groups, the camp worked on a rotation, 2 new groups came everyday and stay for 3 nights, so that day some people left, then the next day another group left, so the camp was full of people all the time. That evening there was probably about 25-35 people there. 
The bush guide gave us 20 minutes on the way to camp to run in the supermarket and pick up food for the 3 days, it felt a little like supermarket sweep, I was literally running up and down the aisles just grabbing what I fancied lol. In the end I found a pack of 10 burgers for $9, bought some rolls… Dinner sorted for 3 nights 😀 every night I made people jealous after barbecuing my burgers getting some salad and BBQ sauce in a bun, people would say ‘ooo they look nice’… I think they we’re jealous haha. 
Later that evening we sat around the camp fire talking, felt a bit surreal sitting in the middle of the Forrest with people I had just met that day, but it was nice, and everyone in my group was lovely and we all got along. I washed up a few bits and started to tidy the kitchen a little before heading to bed, Emily shrieked as a massive rat ran out along the cabinets just in front of us, that made me run away then, if Emily hadn’t freaked out then I probably wouldn’t have been fazed by it!    
I had an early night and headed to bed about 10pm as we had to be up for 8am the next day to go canoeing… Some of the lads didn’t go to bed until 3am… Just glad they weren’t in my canoe the next day lol! Well my sleep in the shack was eventful, I had the bottom bunk… Or should I say hammock. A yoga mat to sleep on and a sheet. I was bloody freezing all night, I even slept in my clothes and had my hoodie on, everyone took the piss as they said I looked like Kenny from South Park as all you could see was my face haha. I kept hearing scurrying outside and along the side of the shack.. Must have been the Rats again… I didn’t get much sleep in the end, don’t get me wrong I love camping… But this felt like proper camping, bugs and rats included… 😫😜hahaa 
I was in a canoe with Alina and Emily, after canoeing downstream for about 1 and a half hours we reached our stop point, it was lovely, there was a rope swing and a jetty to jump off into the water, so after lunch we all had a go… 😆
The trip back to camp was tough, the current was going the opposite way to us, which made it so much harder to paddle. My arms were killing me from paddling there… After 2 hours we made it back, I nearly collapsed when we got back to camp, I had never been so relieved! 
It was Halloween night, so about 50% of the camp had dressed up, the camp guide had bought us some face paints, so I took advantage of that, plus some of the girls wanted me to paint their faces! We mainly sat around the fire all evening drinking goon, we roasted some bananas with chocolate and toasted marshmallows on sticks! 😄
The next day we went out canoeing again, my arms were so achy from the day before! Luckily we only had to go up stream for about half an hour then there was our stop off point to have lunch. The afternoon was chilled out when we got back, we had the choose wether to stay in the shack one more night or to move to a tent, so me and Alina moved into one of the tents, it was so much better, I felt more secure! Later on I read some of my book, had coffee and biscuits with the girls then had a shower. I think after such a long and busy weekend canoeing we were all pretty much shattered, so that evening we watched the lion king and finding nemo, the tv tent was full, mainly of people from our group. I felt a bit on edge watching the remainder of finding nemo as we could hear a rustling on the roof, to then find out that it was a rat, then a rat and a mouse ran across the floor and made everyone shriek! Plus just to the left of the tv was a massive spider, josh seemed to reckon it was a huntsman spider as he has seen one before. They aren’t poisonous, just very common in Australia… But I hadn’t seen one before! I went to bed about 9pm, to get a full nights sleep to get the bus back to Noosa for 9.30am, I have never looked forward to having a shower and washing my clothes so much as the majority of them smelt like fire smoke! I’ve had such an awesome weekend and met some lovely people, it’ll be a shame I probably won’t see some of them again! 

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