Melbourne 30th- 4th Jan

Melbourne 30th- 4th
The day before New Year’s Eve I spent the entire morning in the CBD searching for a dress to wear for my New Year’s Eve party the following evening, I left my hostel at 9am… Without realising that the shops opened at 10am.. Different to back home, they get a lie in! At 10am it was a little busy but not manic, I wanted to find a dress quickly because I knew by 11/12 the city would be heaving full of people… Possibly doing the same thing haha! After 3 hours and nearly giving up hope, I finally found a dress in Big W, which isn’t really a clothes shop, more household and electrical with a small clothes section… But hey! A dress! A little different to what I usually wear but I didn’t care ☺️ didn’t do a lot in the afternoon, chilled out, pained my nails, went to Chloe’s hostel for a cider, so glad I had a plan ready for New Years because Christmas was so shit lol! I needed to make up for it! 
Finally New Year’s Eve! I went shopping again with Chloe and Kathi (who I met 3 weeks ago, she was returning after doing 3 weeks of farm work) found them girls something to wear, just call me a shopping guru as I picked out both outfits and they bought them both 😜 the afternoon I spent getting ready. Chloe and Kathi came to my hostel about 7.15pm then Sophie met us about 7.45pm, the party started at 8. We had to catch the team from flinders station to southern cross as all the roads were shit off for new year, luckily the trains were free on New Year’s Eve 😊 then we had a 20 minute walk from southern cross to the dock lands where the party was… Can I mention again the were had VIP tickets πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š 
When we arrived we headed straight upstairs… Straight to the bar! It was great as our drinks were all inclusive.. All night and you could order 4 drinks per person… So my first round at the bar, I ordered 3 drinks for myself haha, vodka raspberry, my new favourite drink.. I need to get some of the raspberry stuff to take home as its delish!! 
It was quite fancy, we had guys come round to us with food on plates, spring rolls, meatballs, calamari (Urgh) etc, then at midnight the fireworks went off after the countdown.. It was incredible. This night defiantly made up for Christmas, I had brilliant company and I was rather merry! We left the venue about 2pm on the way to getting a taxi a bloke on the sidewalk had one of them hover board things and Chloe had a go… I nearly wet myself, it was hilarious!!! We then got a taxi to Fitzroy to a house party ( some guy from Chloe’s hostel that had left) pretty much most of the people at were staying at home at the mansion was there) I ended up getting back to my own hostel at 6am… Zzzz then woke up at 10am as there isn’t any air conditioning… So bloody hot. 
The day was pretty much a write off, I had a KFC and took my duvet into the to room and watched loads of films 😊 then headed back to bed about 6pm! 
On the Saturday I didn’t do much during the day, but I did venture to the ACMI building at federation square, it was kinda like an art gallery but for moving images, pretty cool really, loads of hi tech video equipment in there that I played around with… But kid! But it was so interesting! In the evening I met up with Sophie and her friend Ruth in the evening (Ruth and Sophie met in Thailand) the girls had dinner and drinks… I didn’t as I hardly have any money, but needed to get out of the hostel! 
quote of the evening- 

On Sunday I moved to nomads on A’Beckett street, I couldn’t check in until 2pm, but had to check out of my old hostel at 10am, so I had 4 hours to kill. Luckily Ruth (Sophie’s friend was staying at that hostel) so I went out for coffee with her and we went and met Kathi, we ended up going to hosier lane (street art) it had changed a lot since I last went! Still so awesome!! Then I took the girls to the ACMI where I went the previous day, had some fun in there for a while! Then we watched a video in the gallery that said that one of AC/DC’s songs was filmed on Swanson Street in Melbourne! And there is actually a lane way named after then… So we went and found it 😊
Went to check in about 2.30pm, until I noticed that my entire Shower gel bottle had leaked all in my rucksack… FUCK. Over all of my clothes, it’s funny because it was even wrapped in a carrier bag, and even dripped out of that!! So I spent the next couple of hours cleaning my bag all out, washing pretty much all of my clothes!! Luckily most of my electrical items were in my small rucksack so they were ok, but one of the small bags I had the shower gel had seeped into, and my spare iPhone plug was covered and had to be thrown, managed to save another few items. So after cleaning my bag out and drying it out under the fan in my room… Doing a shit load of washing and drying… Re packing my bag.. (AGAIN) I then had to wait for my towel to wash and dry so I could have a shower.. What an afternoon πŸ˜”πŸ˜«
In the evening Nick messaged me (the girl that I went to Phillip island with, she headed to Sydney for New year and Christmas) I had to message her to go and use the microwave in her hostel (which was actually my old hostel haha) as mine was broken at my new hostel… Great start haha, (plus with the afternoon I’ve just had! GRR) luckily I’m only here for 3 nights!! After using nicks microwave to heat up my cannelloni ahaha we both headed to home at the mansion hostel to meet Sophie, Chloe, Kathi and Ruth and had a few beers at they were $5 each, so good when I don’t have a lot of money left, but I needed a few beers after my evening to chill me out! Haha!! I then had an early night as I had to be up at 5.30am as the next morning I had a day trip planned to the great ocean road 😊
So 5.30am… Zzzzz someone snored all night in my hostel, after sharing a ‘mixed’ 8 bed dorm with 6 guys, yeah that’s so mixed, I didn’t mind tho, as I’m out most days, beds only there to sleep in! 
I got picked up from outside Nomads at 7.10am to then be dropped back off at my hostel between 8-9pm… Long day ahead!! 
It was a busy bus of 26 people and to my surprise I was the only English person … For once!! A mix of a family of Italians, Dutch, Hungary, French, Chinese, Japan, German and Canadian. So a good mix! Luckily most people spoke English, apart from some. As you can tell… I didn’t really talk to them haha
Sat with some girls from my hostel at the back of the bus they were nice, all of them were travelling alone also, which was nice! 
First we headed to Apollo Bay, not a lot there apart from a beach, but the weather looked crappy, cloudy, I think it even rained at one point! Wasn’t too great there, plus I’m getting sick to death of beaches hahaha!! 
We were taken on a rainforest walk, saw some incredible trees, that were so tall, as tall as large buildings! Then we saw some wild koalas… And they were all sleeping of course, that’s all they ever do, must be such a boring life! πŸ’€ I did spot a red headed cockatoo that they tour guide said was rare! Yey go me!! 
We then headed to the lighthouse where lunch was prepared for us, a crappy salad, a bland pasta, 2 sausages and 2 slices of bread with no butter, yum so appetising (note to self, complain about the food on trip advisor) … πŸ˜‚ I climbed up the top of the stairs of the lighthouse and walked around the top, didn’t last long as the wind was ridiculous, like 100km an hour… Is that a lot, that’s what the woman said haha, unless I’ve remembered it wrong haha! Plus some stupid fucking Asians at the top tried to get past everyone, I could ha e bloody fell from the top! … They are EVERYWHERE. I’m

Not racist, but they are literally like flies round shit with their bloody cameras clicking away, if here’s a rock let’s take a picture, oh a tree, OH LOOK A BLADE OF GRASS. Hahaa oh god I’m terrible. 
After leaving the lighthouse were were just about to set off in the bus when the bus driver said to one bloke trying to kill a fly that it’s illegal in Australia to do that (not sure if he was joking or not) but as the bus driver turned around he must have breathed in and sucked a fly into his mouth, and started coughing and gagging.. I stupidly laughed and he spat it out Hahahaha, said it was karma, I nearly wet myself LOL. 
Out last stop of the day was the famous 12 apostals, and wow, they were incredible, basically just a formation of rocks in the ocean, but the sight of them was breathtaking, yet again it was full of Asians, so I didn’t hang around too long, I did shout at one old guy as he made a horrible noise and gobbed on the path, I shouted your disgusting!? So minging 😷 

We headed down to the beach, it was incredible, like something from cast away! The tour guide tried to make us go for a swim, but the water was absolutely freezing, I just dipped my toes, one of the Italian guys ran in, but he didn’t last long haha. 
Took us a few hours to get back to Melbourne, stopped off on the way back to get some food, ended up getting noodles, didn’t really want to spend any money as I’m so poor now, but wouldn’t get back to the hostel until about 8ish and I knew I wouldn’t want to cook when I got back… It has been an extremely long day today! Can’t wait for a lie in tomorrow! What a day 😊😊

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